Our Community Bankers

We're here for all of your personal lending needs

Our Community Bankers are here to assist you with your financial goals.


Donna Mills-Stevens VP Community Banking Skowhegan Savings
Donna Mills-Stevens
VP Community Banking
NMLS 857240

Phone: 207.858.2541
Fax: 858.2741
Central, Eastern and Northern Maine

Jessica Everett AVP Community Banker Skowhegan Savings
Jessica Everett 
AVP Community Banker
NMLS 869092

Phone: 207.858.2583
Fax: 207.858.2783
Haley LaBrie Community Banker Skowhegan Savings
Haley LaBrie
Community Banker
NMLS 2177748

Phone: 207.858.2523
Fax: 207.858.2723

Amanda Bell Community Banker Skowhegan Savings
Amanda Bell
Community Branch Manager
NMLS 2393337

Phone: 207.858.2602
FAX: 207.924.5275

Betsy Begin Jackman Branch Manager
Community Banker Skowhegan Savings
Betsy Begin
Jackman Branch Manager
Community Banker
NMLS 596467

Phone: 207.858.2691
Fax: 207.668.3361


Central and Southern Maine

Linda Morton-Hebert Community Branch Manager Skowhegan Savings
Linda Morton-Hebert
Community Branch Manager
NMLS # 2256955

Phone: 207.858.2646
Fax: 207.858.2744

Renee Hawthorne AVP Community Banker Skowhegan Savings
Renee Hawthorne
AVP Community Banker
NMLS 596465

Phone: 207.858.2671
Fax: 207.858.2687

Western Maine
Kristen Dubord AVP Community Banker Skowhegan Savings
Kristen Dubord
AVP Community Banker
NMLS 1740534

Phone: 207.858.1908
Fax: 207.858.1992
Shelly Lowell AVP Community Banker Skowhegan Savings
Shelly Lowell
AVP Community Banker
NMLS 713025

Phone: 207.858.1901
Fax: 207.858.1990